Minggu, 04 September 2016


Hai guys i want to tell you about my experience of World Tournament Festival beheld on 20 August 2016

World Tournament Festival is an event based on compactness and English language organized by OSIS SMAN 3 Bandung are required to 3'2018 and 3'2019 which aims to promote solidarity between generation and foster a sense of community, strengthen cooperation, and direct practice speaking English. 
We, the participants were instructed to come in at 6:30 in bali field with the color of clothing in accordance with the class of each group. Each class is not allowed to wear the same color shirt. But if there is a distinguishing element in the clothes, then it is allowed. And the gang wear black clothes with red scarf. Next we line up in their respective classes last roll call in advance. After that we classify committee to several groups. And my team is in group A with the class x ipa 1 to x ipa 5 and also some class XI therein. The committee began to read the rules and procedures of the game. He said we should look for a small puzzle, puzzle group that gathers most is the winner. But it is not easy to get a puzzle. There will be aliens carrying balloons filled with water we were ordered moved to the hallway of the school. Soon, the game begins! Smaller given us instructions on a piece of paper in the form of a puzzle where we must go. The first clue indicates we should go ahead jl.Belitung. there we find first post contained spicy noodle eating contest, each class must send two representatives. Because my friends no one would dare, so I volunteered, I happen to really like eating spicy and when I'm hungry too hehehe. Me and one of my friends began to eat noodles quickly. We were given 2 to 3 minutes to spend it, but unfortunately, we failed because we were not quick enough to spend it. But we keep the spirit undergo subsequent competitions. then we went to the post 2, there is a sort of play playstation race predilection boys. And my class sends 3 representatives. My prediction this time my class will win, but failed again. Huuft .. may have to remain patient. in post 3, we were toward intelligence game in the park music. This time my class who won yeeey. Then we headed to the post 4 in a garden and I forget the name. There we we make a robot out of cardboard used the time in great while, and then my class win again. And we got a puzzle. Yet again we were always met with the aliens. then my friend throw the ball by deftly water into their bodies. Although sometimes miss the mark, but ultimately taxable. Hurray puzzle we started much !!!!! Our next midday prayers because the time was showing 11:50 hours at a mosque near the park. then we take stock each. After that we moved into the garden photos, there is no contest as well, but I did not pay much attention because it began to fatigue. Once finished, we went to school for closure. My other friends went to use public transportation, while me and 5 other friends walk to school because its public transportation is no longer fit.
That day was an exhausting day as well as fun because a lot of new experiences not to be forgotten.

Thank you guys!!sorry if a lot of errors in writing

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